Front End React & NextJS

Front End React & NextJS

In this comprehensive course, you'll not only learn how to leverage the power of ReactJS but also master the essential web technologies of HTML and CSS. Whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced developer looking to expand your skill set, this course will guide you through the fundamentals and advanced concepts of web development.

  • Learn how to create structured and styled web pages using HTML and CSS.
  • Understand the principles of responsive web design and cross-browser compatibility
  • Explore various methods for styling web applications, including CSS modules, styled components, and CSS-in-JS.
  • Apply responsive design techniques and create visually appealing user interfaces.
  • Master the art of fetching data from external APIs and displaying it in your web applications.
  • Implement best practices for data handling and error management.
  • Debug and troubleshoot your applications effectively.
  • Learn about code organization, project structure, and industry best practices.
  • Optimize performance through code splitting, lazy loading, and other advanced techniques.
Responsible Mokhtar Ahmed
Last Update 09/28/2023
Completion Time 4 days 4 hours
Members 1